One of the research focuses of the lab is the mechanics of structural soft tissues of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems.
Projects in this area span from the molecular to the cellular and tissue level. We take a combined experimental/computational approach to elucidate structure-function relationships in these tissues and to understand how their mechanical functions are altered in injury and disease.
- Morphological and Biomechanical Insights into the Pathophysiology of Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome (1R01AR077636)
- Computational Modeling of the Atrioventricular Valve Repair Single Ventricle Patients with Atrioventricular Canal
- Regenerative Rehabilitation of Complex Musculoskeletal Injuries
- Cancer invasion: reciprocity between the extracellular matrix and intrinsic ERK signaling
- Targeting Mechanical Damage using Collagen Hybridizing Peptides (R01AR071358)
- Mechanical Regulation of Vascular Growth and Remodeling (R01AR069297)
- Mechanics of angular motion transduction by the semicircular canals (RO1DC03658)
- Origins of Elasticity and Viscoelasticity in Knee Ligaments (R01AR047369)
- Comparative Stress Analysis of Hip Dysplasia
- Glenohumeral Joint Stability: Role of the Capsule (R01AR050218)
- CAREER: In Vivo Quantification of Tissue Deformation and Growth from Medical Image Data (NSF BES-0134503)
- Improved Cardiac SPECT with convergent hole collimeters (R01EB000121)
- Mechanical analysis of patellar components for total knee arthroplasty
- Mechanics of the MCL in Normal and ACL-Deficient Knees (R01AR47369)
- Function of the capsuloligamentous structures at the glenohumeral joint during a simulated clinical exam (RG-99-0376)
- Neural mechanisms of vestibular function in fish (NIDCD PO1-DC01837)
- Open Knee(s): Virtual Biomechanical Representations of the Knee Joint (R01GM104139)
- Origins of Elasticity and Viscoelasticity in Ligaments (R01AR047369)
- Biomechanics of the Dysplastic Hip (R01AR053344)
- Compressibility and Permeability Studies of the Medial Collateral Ligament (TF-98-D0031)
- Mechanics of angular motion transduction by the semicircular canals (RO1DC03658)
- A new approach to orthopedic implant design